James Roxburgh MacClymont, William Brooks Greenlee, Pero Vaz de Caminha



The biography of Pedro �lvares Cabral (c1467 � c1520), the Portuguese commander of a fleet of ships whose epic voyage to India led to the first crossing of the South Atlantic, the discovery of Brazil, the discovery of Madagascar, and trade between Europe and Asia around Africa.


TITLE : Pedro Cabral

 AUTHORS : James Roxburgh MacClymont, William Brooks Greenlee, Pero Vaz de Caminha

 EDITORS : Keith Bridgeman, Tahira Arsham

 PUBLICATION DATE : 9th September 2009

 ISBN-13 : 978-1-906421-01-4  (ISBN-10 : 1-906421-01-3)

 FORMAT : Paperback



 SIZE : 229 mm (height) x 152 mm (width) x 13mm (depth)

 WEIGHT : 364g

 SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION : 920 (Dewey), BGH (BIC subject)





Chapters : 1 - The ancestry of Pedro Cabral, 2 - The early life of Pedro Cabral, 3 - Pedro Cabral chosen as commander, 4 - Ships and personnel, 5 - Instructions for the outward voyage, 6 - The discovery of Brazil, 7 - Pero Vaz de Caminha's account of the discovery, 8 - Letter of Master John to King Manuel, 9 - Theories for Cabral's westward diversion, 10 - Claims of prior discoveries of Brazil, 11 - The voyage around Africa to India, 12 - The discovery of Madagascar, 13 - Instructions for India and the return, 14 - Whilst in India, 15 - Priest Joseph's description of India, 16 - The voyage to Cape Verde, 17 - The letter of Amerigo Vespucci, 18 - The return to Lisbon, 19 - The anonymous narrative, 20 - Bartolomeo Marchioni's account of the voyage, 21 - King Manuel's account of the voyage, 22 - The Venetian letters, 23 - The Venetian diaries, 24 - Ca' Masser's account of the voyage, 25 - Cabral's later years





Pedro �lvares Cabral was born in Portugal, probably in 1467. When Vasco da Gama returned from India in 1499 King Manuel I chose Pedro Cabral to sail a fleet of ships to establish trade with India.

Pedro Cabral�s fleet was one of the largest fleets that had ever sailed the Atlantic. It set sail for India in 1500 on what turned out to be the longest voyage in history up to that time and one of the greatest and most influential voyages of discovery ever made.

On shore they encountered strange people with bodies painted and tattooed, and decorated with coverings of brilliant feathers. They were otherwise completely naked. Their odd appearance and customs were entirely unlike any that the Portuguese had seen before. Pedro Cabral had discovered Brazil, writing the first page in its history, and had opened up South America to further discoveries.

Their epic voyage continued to India despite considerable loss of lives and ships. Few voyages or discoverers have been of greater importance to posterity, yet few have been less appreciated in their time.

Included are all of the first hand accounts of the journey, written by Pero Vaz de Caminha, Master John, and "the anonymous narrative", and all of the reports written on their return by King Manuel, Amerigo Vespucci, Bartolomeo Marchioni, Ca� Masser, and those that appeared in "The Venetian letters" and "The Venetian diaries".


Excerpts of Pedro Cabral, including the introduction, the contents, and the front page of every chapter can be read here : PEDRO CABRAL EXCERPTS





Pero Vaz de Caminha sailed in Cabral�s flagship as a writer. One of the two letters sent by Pedro Cabral to the King of Portugal relating their discovery of Brazil was written by him on 1st May 1500. It is the first document describing the discovery of Brazil, and has sometimes been called the first page in the history of Brazil. William Brooks Greenlee left Cornell University near the end of the nineteenth century to travel the world, seeing evidence of the voyages of the discoverers. He brought together for the first time all of the widely scattered published and unpublished documents relating to the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese in the sixteenth century. James Roxburgh MacClymont was a Scottish poet, and a historian of the voyages of discovery.



Pedro Cabral is part of a series of biographies concerning "The Voyages of Discovery" including : Vasco da Gama, Magellan, Pedro Cabral, Bartolomeu Dias, and Amerigo Vespucci. Between them they discovered and opened up most of the then unknown world. For more information go to  VOYAGES OF DISCOVERY




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