30th October 2012 - New research


Metabolic Brain Disease [2012] Oct 20 [Epub ahead of print] (R.F. Butterworth) Complete abstract

Acquired hepatolenticular degeneration is also known as "Parkinsonism in cirrhosis". Estimates of the prevalence of Parkinsonism in cirrhosis have been reported as high as more than 20 %. Cirrhosis is due to chronic liver disease. For more information go to Cirrhosis. The cause of Parkinsonism in cirrhosis has been attributed to manganese deposition in the basal ganglia, leading to dysfunction of the dopaminergic system. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid manganese concentrations were several times above the reference range.

There is evidence of damage to, or dysfunction of, dopamine transporters and dopamine receptors. In many patients L-Dopa and dopamine agonists can be beneficial. Liver transplantation is usually effective. Parkinsonism in cirrhosis is characterized by symptoms including hypokinesia, dystonia and rigidity that are rapidly progressive. Typical features included rapid progression over months, symmetric akinetic-rigid syndrome, postural but not resting tremor, and early postural and gait impairment. Neuropsychiatric manifestations were minimal. For a printable version of this article click here. For more news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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