27th May 2012 - New research


Behavioural Brain Research [2012] May 17 [Epub ahead of print] (H.Haghdoost-Yazdi, N.Fraidouni, A.Faraji, H.Jahanihashemi, M.Sarookhani) Complete abstract

Homocysteine levels are increased in the blood of people with Parkinson's Disease. B vitamins are necessary for Homocysteine metabolism. So researchers assessed the effects of B vitamins in Parkinson's Disease. Of the B vitamins assessed, folic acid (vitamin B9) reduced some of the effects of Parkinson's Disease, as did pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Folic acid (vitamin B9) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6) had no effect on the behavioural symptoms of Parkinson's Disease. Vitamin B12 had no effect either. Although they found that certain B vitamins reduced the effects of Parkinson's Disease, this was not achieved by reducing homocysteine levels as they had expected.

The effect of the B vitamins on Parkinson's Disease would have been because certain B vitamins are required for the natural formation of dopamine, the substance whose deficiency causes Parkinson's Disease. Dopamine is naturally formed in the brain from L-tyrosine via L-dopa to dopamine. L-tyrosine to L-dopa requires folic acid (vitamin B9). L-dopa to dopamine requires pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Both steps require another B vitamin, nicotinamde (vitamin B3), which was not assessed. L-tyrosine and several other substances are also essential for the natural formation of dopamine in the brain. All of the substances required are contained in a Parkinson's Disease Supplement. For a printable version of this article click hereFor more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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