11th January 2012 - New book


K.P.Ebmeier, J. O'Brien, J.-P. Taylor, W. F. Gattaz, W.P.Kaschka

Publisher's description : This book assembles short reviews from experts in the field to chart the various psychiatric syndromes known in Parkinson's disease, their presentation, etiology and management. Presented are special topics on epidemiology of psychiatric symptoms, and other topics. Rarely discussed issues are also reviewed. This publication is essential reading for old age psychiatrists, gerontologists and neurologists who work with patients suffering from Parkinson's disease. Health practitioners who deal with senior patients, as well as scientists who need a quick update on the progress in this important clinical field will find this volume a helpful reference. Click here for more details. For more books concerning Parkinson's Disease go to Parkinson's Disease Books. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.

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Parkinson's Disease News details all significant new research, news reports, new books, and new resources concerning Parkinson's Disease and those medical disorders that often coincide with Parkinson's Disease. It is compiled from an analysis of  all newly published research, news reports, new clinical trials, all newly published books, and new web sites. A summary and analysis of the new research are provided,  as well as links to the complete abstracts and news reports


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