27th June 2011 - New research


Journal of Neurology [2011] Jun 23. [Epub ahead of print] (Kalf JG, Bloem BR, Munneke M.) Complete abstract

Drooling as symptom of Parkinson's Disease has so far been poorly defined. This uncertainty is reflected by high variations in published prevalence rates. Drooling is when saliva flows outside the mouth. Drooling is generally caused by excessive production of saliva, inability to retain saliva within the mouth, or problems with swallowing. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of saliva loss and the accumulation of saliva in Parkinson's Disease as an initial stage, and diurnal (daytime) drooling versus nocturnal (nighttime) drooling.

Of those people with Parkinson's Disease, 29% had no complaints at all with saliva control, 43% of them experienced accumulation of saliva or only nocturnal (nighttime) drooling, and 28% had diurnal (daytime) drooling. Most of those that had daytime drooling had nighttime drooling as well. The longer somebody had Parkinson's Disease the more prone they were to nocturnal (nighttime) drooling. Drooling was independently associated with involuntary mouth opening, and swallowing complaints. Diurnal (daytime) drooling typically appeared as Parkinson's Disease got worse. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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