8th December 2010 - New review


There are now fourteen known toxic causes of Parkinson's Disease : pesticides (Paraquat, Rotenone, Maneb), solvents (Trichloroethylene, Toluene, N-Hexane, Carbon disulfide), MPTP, Mercury, Manganese, Copper, Carbon monoxide, Lead, Cyanide. Although Agent Orange is widely claimed to be a toxic cause of Parkinson's Disease, not even one study in the entire medical literature has ever shown that to be true. Toxicity has the potential to be the sole cause of Parkinson's Disease. To very varying extents, toxicity can also be a partial cause of Parkinson's Disease. Symptoms normally develop when toxic exposure occurs or soon after, or gradually increase over time as exposure to toxicity persists. Symptoms do not develop years or decades after exposure as is often claimed. In fact, there is a tendency for toxic effects to decline over time, but with some toxic substances that can take years.

The prevalence of Parkinson's Disease that is due to toxicity is not known. However, the evidence suggests that the number of people whose Parkinson's Disease is due to toxicity is very low, being the exception rather than the norm. The toxic causes of Parkinson's Disease each cause different symptoms because of the different biochemical means by which toxicity is caused, and because of the other biochemical functions that each of the particular toxins affects.

In order to cause Parkinson's Disease, the level of toxic exposure usually has to be either acute or chronic. Mild exposure to some of the known toxic causes would have no noticeable effect. Some other potentially toxic causes of Parkinson's Disease, such as copper and manganese are actually beneficial to health in normal quantities, and can only cause Parkinson's Disease in very large quantities. For a completely comprehensive, fully referenced, up to date and printable summary of each of the toxic causes of Parkinson's Disease, go to Toxic causes of Parkinson's Disease For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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