26th September 2010 - New review


Stem cell surgery, in which stem cells are placed inside the brain in order to replace lost cells, is claimed to be necessary for Parkinson's Disease because it is assumed that there is massive loss of the dopaminergic neurons (the cells involved in Parkinson's Disease). However, the theoretical basis of stem cell surgery in Parkinson's Disease is based on a fallacy, because no studies have ever shown that there is a massive loss of the dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Disease results from the reduced activity of the existing cells. It is inevitable that any new cells will eventually function at the same insufficient rate as the existing cells, because their biochemical environment would be identical.

When stem cell surgery underwent formal clinical trials there was found to be little or no effect [1] [2] [3]. In a later study, a patient who underwent adult neural stem cell transplantation appeared to significantly reduce their symptoms, but after five years they had symptoms that were worse than when they started, and were deteriorating rapidly [4]. In a subsequent study, involving the use of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells, there was also little or no effect [5]. Transplanted cells eventually cease to function normally anyway, and still develop changes that are characteristic of Parkinson's Disease [6] [7], confirming that Parkinson's Disease is a biochemical state that can affect any cells - both those that were already there, and those that are placed there. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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