5th June 2010 - New research


New England Journal of Medicine [2010] 362 (22) : 2077-2091 (Follett KA, Weaver FM, Stern M, Hur K, Harris CL, Luo P, Marks WJ Jr, Rothlind J, Sagher O, Moy C, Pahwa R, Burchiel K, Hogarth P, Lai EC, Duda JE, Holloway K, Samii A, Horn S, Bronstein JM, Stoner G, Starr PA, Simpson R, Baltuch G, De Salles A, Huang GD, Reda DJ) PMID: 20519680  Complete abstract

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is the main surgical procedure for people with advanced Parkinson's Disease.
DBS involves the use of electrodes that are implanted into the brain and connected to a small electrical device called a pulse generator that can be externally programmed. For more information go to Deep brain stimulation. The globus pallidus interna and the subthalamic nucleus are accepted targets for this procedure. Researchers compared the outcomes for patients who had undergone these two types of DBS : bilateral stimulation of the globus pallidus interna (pallidal stimulation), and subthalamic nucleus (subthalamic stimulation). The average outcome did not differ between the two methods. There was also no significant difference in self-reported function. However, patients undergoing subthalamic stimulation : required a lower dose of dopaminergic drugs than did those undergoing pallidal stimulation, had slightly more serious adverse events than those undergoing pallidal stimulation, and their depression worsened in contrast to an improvement in people undergoing pallidal stimulation.  For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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Parkinson's Disease News details all significant new research, news reports, new books, and new resources concerning Parkinson's Disease and those medical disorders that often coincide with Parkinson's Disease. It is compiled from an analysis of  all newly published research, news reports, new clinical trials, all newly published books, and new web sites. A summary and analysis of the new research are provided,  as well as links to the complete abstracts and news reports





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