3rd December 2009 - New research


Parkinsonism Related Disorders [2009] (D.Bereczki) Complete abstract

A detailed description of Parkinson's Disease has been discovered that dates from 1690. That is over a century before the first claimed formal description in 1817 by James Parkinson, after whom Parkinson's Disease was subsequently named.

Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, most frequently tremor, have been described since ancient times and throughout history. For more information go to The History of Parkinson's Disease. However, the first systematic description of Parkinson's Disease is usually attributed to James Parkinson in 1817. 127 years before James Parkinson described it, the Hungarian doctor Ferenc Pápai Páriz (1649-1716) described in his medical text Pax Corporis not only individual signs of Parkinson's Disease, but all four cardinal signs : tremor, bradykinesia, rigor and postural instability. The book was published in Hungarian, which because it is understood by so few people, has resulted in his description of Parkinson's Disease being ignored in the medical literature all this time. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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