25th August 2009 - New research


American Family Physician [2009] 80 (1) : 28-30 (Hitzeman N, Rafii F.)
Complete abstract

Dopamine agonists have been found to have little advantage over the use of L-dopa in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Dopamine agonists are being used increasingly as the initial treatment for Parkinson Disease, but uncertainty remains about their clinical-effectiveness and cost relative to the use of L-dopa. 

Based on 29 clinical trials involving over 5000 people, dyskinesia, dystonia and motor fluctuations occurred less in people using dopamine agonists. However, various non-motor adverse effects were worse in those using dopamine agonists including : edema (fluid accumulation), somnolence (sleepiness), dizziness, hallucinations, constipation, and nausea. Some agonists are also known to cause compulsions. People treated with dopamine agonists were also significantly more likely than people taking L-dopa to discontinue treatment because of adverse events. The control of Parkinson's Disease symptoms was found to be better with the use of L-dopa than with dopamine agonists. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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