26th July 2009 - New report


Veterans and Agent Orange Update 2008 Complete report

Based on a new report, it has been widely reported that Agent Orange has been "linked" to Parkinson's Disease.
Agent Orange is the name given to a herbicide used by the U.S. Military during the Vietnam War as a means of warfare. For more information go to Agent Orange. Despite the claims being made, not even one study in the report shows that Agent Orange had caused Parkinson's Disease in Vietnam War veterans. Even the report itself states that there is not sufficient evidence of an association between Agent Orange and Parkinson's Disease "because chance, bias, and confounding could not be ruled out with confidence."

There have been over 300 published studies on the effects of Agent Orange, yet none of them have shown that Agent Orange has caused Parkinson's Disease. Claims of Agent Orange causing Parkinson's Disease have usually detailed how Parkinson's Disease was diagnosed years after possible exposure to Agent Orange. However, with Parkinson's Disease, if somebody is affected by a toxin, they usually suffer the effects at their worst soon after exposure to the toxin. So if Agent Orange caused the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, they would have initiated whilst in Vietnam - not decades later. Somebody could be exposed to Agent Orange and quite independently develop Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Disease can occur in almost anyone without toxicity being the cause. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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