20th May 2009 - New research


Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry [2009] 80 (6) : 671-674 (Alonso A, Rodríguez LA, Logroscino G, Hernán MA.) Complete abstract

Those people taking anti-depressants were found to be nearly two times (1.85 times) more likely to develop Parkinson's Disease. The association became more than twice as likely ( 2.19 times) during the first two years after initiation of anti-depressant use. More than two years later, previous anti-depressant use increased the likelihood of Parkinson's Disease only slightly.

Results were similar for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic anti-depressants separately. It is uncertain as to whether it is the anti-depressants or depression that caused this association. Individuals with depression have a higher risk of developing Parkinson's Disease but the timing of the association is unknown. They often coincide because depression is also a potential symptom of the insufficient dopamine that occurs in Parkinson's Disease. The researchers suggest that depressive symptoms could be an early manifestation of Parkinson's Disease that precedes muscular symptoms. For more current news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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