There are other medical
disorders that can cause symptoms, some of which coincide with those of
Parkinson's Disease. In most cases the medical disorder is called a
Parkinsonism. Somebody that has one of these medical disorders can be wrongly
diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease due to some of the symptoms resembling those
of Parkinson's Disease. Muscular injury and muscular strain can also cause
symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's Disease but only in the affected
muscles and whilst the muscular injury or muscular strain lasts.
Repeated episodes of
liver failure or chronic liver cirrhosis may cause acquired hepatocerebral
degeneration. Acquired hepatolenticular degeneration is also known as
"Parkinsonism in cirrhosis". Liver transplantation is usually effective.
Reports of post-transplant residual symptoms suggest an element of
irreversibility in some cases. It is characterised by extrapyramidal symptoms including hypokinesia,
dystonia and rigidity that are rapidly progressive and may be independent of the
severity of cognitive dysfunction. Typical features included rapid
progression over several months, symmetric akinetic-rigid syndrome, postural but
not resting tremor, and early postural impairment and gait impairment.
The Thoracic Outlet is a space between the
rib cage (thorax) and the collar bone (clavicle) through which the main
blood vessels and nerves pass from the neck and thorax into the arm. The
nerves and blood vessels leave the neck between the two muscles (the scalene
muscles). Thoracic outlet syndrome causes a combination of pain, numbness,
tingling, weakness, or coldness in the upper extremity caused by pressure on
the nerves and/or blood vessels in the thoracic outlet. Cerebellar Thoracic
Outlet Syndrome (CTOS) patients had associated neurological lesions as a
result of hypo-perfusion and hypo-metabolism in certain areas of the brain
and cerebellum.
Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is quite a rare neurological disease in which
parts of the brain deteriorate or degenerate. The outer layer of the
brain is severely affected, especially the fronto-parietal regions, which are
located near the centre-top of the head. Other deeper brain regions are also
affected including parts of the basal ganglia, hence the name "corticobasal"
degeneration. The initial symptoms are often stiffness, shakiness, jerkiness,
slowness, and clumsiness, in either the upper or lower extremities. Other
initial symptoms may include dysphasia (difficulty with speech generation),
dysarthria (difficulty with articulation), difficulty controlling the
muscles of the face (hypomimia) and mouth, or walking and balance
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease is a rare,
degenerative, and invariably fatal brain disorder. It is one of the diseases
known as transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Spongiform refers to the
appearance of infected brains, which become filled with holes until they
resemble sponges under a microscope. It is characterised by rapidly progressive
dementia. Initially, patients experience problems with muscular
co-ordination; personality changes, including impaired memory, judgement,
and thinking; and impaired vision. They may experience insomnia, depression,
or unusual sensations. Mental impairment eventually becomes severe. They
often develop myoclonus, and may go blind. They eventually lose the ability
to move and speak, and enter a coma.
People who have Encephalitis Lethargica have autoantibodies reactive against
human basal ganglia antigens. Between 1917 and 1928 Encephalitis Lethargica
affected thousands of people of all ages. Although an epidemic of Encephalitis
Lethargica has not recurred since then, occasional cases of Encephalitis
Lethargica are still seen. Encephalitis Lethargica could
cause death in a short period or cause sleep that might last for days, weeks or
months. Its symptoms were thought to encompass almost anything imaginable, which
made its diagnosis very difficult. Some of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease
often occur in Encephalitis Lethargica.
Syndrome is a rare inherited neurological disorder. It is characterised by
abnormal deposits of calcium in areas of the brain that control movement,
including the basal ganglia and the cerebral cortex. Fahr's Syndrome can
present with a wide spectrum of symptoms, including those of Parkinson's
Disease. Symptoms that are similar to those of Parkinson's Disease include
deterioration of motor function, dementia, dysarthria, tremors, muscle
rigidity, a mask-like face, shuffling gait, and "pill-rolling" motion of the
fingers. These symptoms usually occur later on. The more common symptoms
include dystonia (disordered muscle tone) and chorea (involuntary, rapid,
jerky movements).
dementia is a clinical syndrome caused by degeneration of the frontal lobe of
the brain and may extend back to the temporal lobe. Frontotemporal dementia
and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) is a genetic disorder. It is
caused by mutations in the tau gene, which encodes a microtubule-binding
protein. FTDP-17 has three cardinal features : behavioural changes, cognitive
impairment, and Parkinsonism. FTDP-17 can be further differentiated from
Parkinson's Disease by there being a poor symptomatic response to L-dopa,
progressive speech difficulties from the onset, and seizures that are poorly
controlled with standard anticonvulsant therapy.
Fragile X-associated tremor /
Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS) is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the FMR1
gene on the X chromosome. The main features of FXTAS are cerebellar ataxia and/or intention
tremor. Other documented symptoms are short-term memory loss, executive function
deficits, parkinsonism, cognitive decline, peripheral neuropathy, lower limb
proximal muscle weakness, and autonomic dysfunction. The clinical presentation
of these patients, coupled with a specific lesion visible on magnetic resonance
imaging and with neuropathological findings distinguishes it from other movement
disorders. Peripheral neuropathy is common among people with FXTAS, and can
be the first or the only symptom.
Gaucher's disease is a genetic disease in which lipid accumulates in some
cells and organs. It is caused by a genetic deficiency of the enzyme
glucocerebrosidase, which acts on glucocerebroside. Mutations in the Glucocerebrosidae gene are
more frequent in Parkinson's Disease. Gaucher's Disease has been found to
make Parkinson's Disease four to five times more likely. Gaucher's Disease is an
inherited metabolic disorder in which harmful quantities of a substance
called glucocerebroside can accumulate in the spleen, liver, lungs, bone
marrow, and the brain. Glucocerebroside accumulates because
glucocerebrosidase (the chemical that breaks it down) is deficient in
Gaucher's Disease.
Hallervorden-Spatz Disease is a rare, inherited,
neurological disorder characterised by the progressive degeneration of the
nervous system. Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome is
characterised by dystonia, parkinsonism, and iron accumulation in the brain.
There is progressive difficulty with movement, typically beginning in childhood,
and can result in death in early adulthood. Movement abnormalities include
involuntary muscle spasms, rigidity, and trouble with walking that worsens over
time. Many people with Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome also develop problems with
speech and some develop a loss of vision. Those people affected by
Hallervorden-Spatz Disease may experience a loss of intellectual function,
including dementia, and develop psychiatric symptoms such as behavioural
problems, personality changes, and depression.
PHENYLKETONURIA Phenylketonuria (PKU) is an
autosomal recessive metabolic disorder due to mutations in the phenylalanine
hydroxylase gene, which converts L-phenylalanine to L-tyrosine. Although it is
principally a childhood disorder, in rare cases, the first signs of
Phenylketonuria may develop in late adulthood resembling common neurological
diseases. Phenylketonuria, if it is untreated, can lead to
seizures, tremors, or trembling and shaking, stunted growth, hyperactivity, skin
conditions, such as eczema, a musty odour of their breath, skin or urine. If
treated it can lead to depression, anxiety and phobias. Signs of Parkinsonism
can sometimes occur in Phenylketonuria, particularly with age.
Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is a rare brain
disorder that causes serious and permanent problems with the control of gait and
balance. The most frequent first symptom of Progressive
Supranuclear Palsy is a loss of balance while walking. Patients may have
unexplained falls or a stiffness and awkwardness in gait. The most obvious sign
of the disease is an inability to aim the eyes properly, which occurs because of
lesions in the area of the brain that coordinates eye movements. Patients often
show alterations of mood and behaviour, including depression and apathy as well
as progressive mild dementia. The symptoms of Parkinson's Disease can occur in
people with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, and can initially even be the
sole manifestation.
Rett Syndrome
is a rare genetic disorder of the grey matter of the brain that almost
exclusively affects females but has also been found in males. The clinical features of Rett Syndrome include small hands and feet
and a deceleration of the rate of head growth. Repetitive stereotyped hand
movements, such as wringing or repeatedly putting hands into the mouth also
occur. People with Rett syndrome are prone to gastrointestinal disorders. Up to
80% of them have seizures. They typically have no verbal skills, and about 50%
of affected individuals do not walk. Parkinsonian rigidity
common occurs and increases in its extent with age. Several other Parkinsonian
symptoms, including gait disturbance, can occur in Rett Syndrome.
Vascular Parkinsonism is produced by strokes that affect the basal ganglia. A
stroke is the loss of activity of a discreet brain area (lesion) because of
blockage of the blood supply to that brain region. Vascular diseases are associated with a higher prevalence of Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Disease symptoms can occur in
Vascular Parkinsonism. However, the resting tremor in Vascular
Parkinsonism is either reduced or absent. Parkinson's Disease
symptoms that occurred in Vascular Parkinsonism were bradykinesia (100%),
rigidity (96%), falls (76%), pyramidal signs (54%), urinary incontinence (50%),
and dementia (39%). People with Vascular Parkinsonism had an older age of
onset than those people who had Parkinson's Disease. Only a minority, but a
large minority, of people with Vascular Parkinsonism respond to L-dopa.
Wilson's Disease is a genetic disorder in which there is an abnormal
accumulation of copper. Copper begins to accumulate immediately after birth.
Wilson's Disease first affects the liver and can then affect the brain. Wilson's Disease can
result in hepatitis, psychiatric symptoms (including depression and aggression),
neurological symptoms, jaundice, abdominal swelling, vomiting of blood,
abdominal pain, tremors, difficulty in walking, talking and swallowing. Women
may have menstrual irregularities, absent periods, infertility, or multiple
miscarriages. Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease can often occur with Wilson's
X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism
syndrome is a rare movement disorder that is highly prevalent in Panay
Island in the Philippines. X-linked dystonia-parkinsonism syndrome is
associated with sequence changes within the TAF1/DYT3 multiple transcript
system. The function is related to vesicular transport, dopamine metabolism,
synapse function, Ca2+ metabolism and oxidative stress. X-linked
dystonia-parkinsonism usually manifests itself primarly as torsion dystonia,
later combined with or sometimes replaced with parkinsonism. It
usually begins in adulthood, normally in the third or fourth decade. Imaging and autopsy studies have suggested involvement of the caudate
and putamen in later stages.
Keith Bridgeman, Tahira Arsham
The Comprehensive
Guide to Parkinson's Disease, which is fully referenced, and nearly
800 pages long, is the most comprehensive book concerning
Parkinson's Disease ever written. It includes its history, famous
people with Parkinson's Disease, its complete biochemisty, cytology
and cytological effects, anatomy and anatomical effects, physiology
and physiological effects, symptoms (of every system in the body),
diagnosis methods (observational, technological, chemical),
biochemical causes, toxic causes, genetic causes, pharmacological
causes, medical causes, treatments (biochemical, pharmacological,
surgical, natural, exercise methods, technological methods),
organisations, web sites.