14th February 2013 - New research


Movement Disorders [2013] Feb 11 (A.Yoritaka, M.Takanashi, M.Hirayama, T.Nakahara, S.Ohta, N.Hattori, D.Weintraub, K.Papay, A.Siderowf) Complete abstract

Oxidative stress is involved in the progression of Parkinson's Disease. Recent studies have confirmed that molecular hydrogen (H2) functions as a highly effective antioxidant in cultured cells and animals.

Drinking molecular hydrogen dissolved water had reduced oxidative stress and improved Parkinson's Disease features in animals. A pilot study was carried out in people with Parkinson's Disease who were taking L-dopa. Each person drank either a litre a day of molecular hydrogen water or only water (without the molecular hydrogen). Symptom scores improved in those people who drank molecular hydrogen water and worsened in those people who only drank normal water. The drinking of molecular hydrogen water was found to safe and well tolerated. It would therefore be an easy means of delaying or reducing symptoms. A larger clinical trial is intended. For a printable version of this article click hereFor more news go to Parkinson's Disease News.


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Parkinson's Disease News details all significant new research, news reports, new books, and new resources concerning Parkinson's Disease and those medical disorders that often coincide with Parkinson's Disease. It is compiled from an analysis of  all newly published research, news reports, new clinical trials, all newly published books, and new web sites. A summary and analysis of the new research are provided,  as well as links to the complete abstracts and news reports


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2015-08-25 02:58:35